Families as First Teachers

FaFT - Families as First Teachers - Teacher supported early childhood learning for children and families from 0—4 years with Learning Games, Conversational Reading, Enriched Care Giving and Parent Capacity Building.

FaFT is centered on care givers and children having positive learning experiences together, becoming part of a school community and building their capacity as a family. Teachers support parents to engage positively and mindfully with their child.

The program runs five days a week; with sessions onsite and offsite. Learning sessions consist of Learning Games, Conversational Reading and Enriched Care Giving opportunities from the Abecedarian Approach. We also have the families prepare and share a healthy morning tea and provide other rich learning experiences through the play based environment we create.

The program encourages full participation from families with a commitment to regular attendance. Priority is given to our local community and families.

Parents and carers are expected to supervise and be with their child at all times and to refrain from using their mobile phones.